It is the great day of opening of this blog. As you may have noticed this page was not created in the heath of the moment but after very careful planning and consideration… If – and only if – this web log does not satisfy your endless thirst for information you could have a look at the blog of Read Me in I especially recommend her blog to people fond of pandas and seals. And her, heheh :)

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But as the description of my spectacular blog promises, I will write about my ever so active life. So here it comes!


Today was a splendid day in many ways. I started cardio boxing with my dear friend Davina McCall, burnt the middle joint of my right middle finger in the toaster (evil bastard!) and finally finished my case study about Stora Enso's immorality. An advice from the experienced, my readers: never ever study Social and Environmental Accounting! Unless you happen to have particularly strong death wish, obviously. The subject honestly works like lobotomy! I'd rather read thousands of pages about the history of Swedish hambo!


However, it is dinnertime here in our little Mediterranean territory in Scotland. I need to drag my sore muscles to the joys of the kitchen and start helping Nacho. Such a sweet man! Brought the second season of Arrested Development from the library today! He certainly knows that the way to my heart goes through the DVD player…


But sleep well, little people of Holland! I will be back…..